Original Stories by Chris La Porte
The kingdom they are from, where no magic lights appear.
They shot Mr. Malcolm dead, right out in front of Clyde's Place.
Mr. Malcolm, they called him. He was fourteen years old. Not much of a mister yet, and no chance to be one now.
There was something in the way she turned. The fading yellows on her summer dress caught just enough in the twirl to dance in the rays of light coming through the windows…
I smile. His eyes widen before he tilts his head, curious. He hasn’t seen this in so long.
I wasn't in control of that decision at all. It was as if my legs had more courage than the rest of me and started without consulting the other parts. It was like watching a movie, I was distanced from what was happening, but I hated seeing it.
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The Geek
I’m Chris La Porte and I’m a wanna-be Hobbit.
I write fiction that typically has some kind of speculative, fantasy, science fiction, slant. Genre has little meaning when the inspiration hits, though.
I hope my geekiness helps you write more immersive stories the way it has helped me.
Let’s get geeky together!
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Write Like A Geek
As writers, inspiration comes from many places. Let’s be honest, though, what inspires us the most is the geekiest stuff out there.
Why fight it? Let’s see how the movies, books, games, and shows we love tell their stories so that we can tell better stories ourselves.
Let’s bust out the Lembas bread and write like geeks.