Chris La Porte
Writer | Storyteller | Geek
I take words, put them in some semblance of order, and create story. Storytelling is an adventure and that journey can take you in any direction.
I’m a geek. There I said it. Luckily, I think geeks make the best storytellers, if I do say so myself.
There’s something about the spark of imagination that runs deep in our mind. Once that flame leaps up, it’s hard to control.
So why fight it?
I write like a geek, allowing my influences to shape the stories I tell. Imposter Syndrome won’t hold me back, and it shouldn’t hold you back either.
I create my own fiction, analyze other works, and see storytelling as a key to who we all are.
I have projects and work in various places online, please feel free to explore this site and contact me for more information on my writing (or to just say hi).
Where to Start:
My Story
If my story can be summed up into one phrase it would probably sound something like “wow that guy sure likes Tolkien.”
There’s something so alluring about “the journey” (in spite of its terrible Instagram hashtagginess). Maybe it’s because we all have one, in some shape or form. It represents something we all must do.
I have been enamored with the concept of storytelling from early on in my geeky childhood. I used to draw little picture books of chunky stick figures, if that can be considered a thing, placing myself into my favorite stories. Whether it was Star Wars, The Legend of Zelda, or Jurassic Park, I imagined myself in the position of the characters.
That’s what I hope my writing will one day bring: the spark of imagination. That fire takes us somewhere else, escaping the real world if only just for a moment. When we return, just like Mr. Bilbo Baggins, we are not quite the same. We see something differently, we understand ourselves more deeply, and we want to dive into what’s next more than we ever have.
I grew up in California, adventuring the forests of the Sierra Nevadas every summer, inspired by the seemingly endless lines of trees hiding something new around every corner.
My parents did the ground work of introducing me to the geeky stories that jump started my own imagination. Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Mystery Science Theater, and so much more came from them.
I take the love for those things to a deeper level. There’s something important in stories that inspire us. The characters we bond with reveal a little something about ourselves. This website is here because I think too much about those stories and they spill into my own writing.
Making a career out of writing is a huge task. I won’t pretend like I am assured of my success. That is something far off and perhaps unachievable for myself in the ways that I want it. But I know I am not alone on the path to creative goals, and I hope I can at least help others realize that they aren’t alone either.
I always look to be honest, and if you like what you see, please feel free to let me know.
Chris La Porte
Freelancer, Writer, Possible Replicant